Why the Name Meritah?

Meritah is the Indigenous name of the geographical location where foreigners call Africa today. Meritah is the name that our Ancestors call our Land, and it means “The Beloved Earth or The Beloved Land.” We call ourselves Meritah Wisdom as a way to Reclaim and Restore the dignified name of our Ancestors.

A brief story of the Meritah Culture

The Meritah culture is one built on harmonious balance with nature and the principles of the preservation of life. This organization is built on the foundation of Meritah culture, where it celebrates and expresses our Indigenous culture as it once was, and as it is still expressed in the absence of colonization.

Why Do We Exist?

Our purpose for being here is encapsulated in this Meritah wisdom by our Indigenous elders: “A tree that wants to flourish needs to honour the root.” We know our root is our Ancestral and cultural ways, and we survive because of our root. In Meritah Wisdom, we realize that we have lost our way, hence our root. And like good children, we are stopping to ask for directions about our way home, back to our Ancestral embrace. All the teachings and the projects on this platform clears a path that leads us to our Ancestral home in body, mind, and spirit. For, if everyone has a home, then everyone must go back home someday, or at least, try. Therefore, as an organization, we exist to produce contents that will help us evolve as human beings while we find our way home. In this manner, when we arrive home (whether physically or in mind), with the knowledge of our home culture, it will equip us to build our civilization back up again.

We also exist for the purpose of family. For our Ancestors, the family is the foundation of a society, for it is the family through which a neighbourhood is built, then a community, a nation, and then, the human race. For this reason, the Meritah family is at the heart of all that we do. Hence, education of the child is achieved through the family.

When Did We Come into Existence?

While we began working in the community by focusing on supporting Meritah children and families since 2016, we officially came into existence as an organization in August 2020.

What is the Meritah Wisdom Education Center For Children and Family?

Meritah Wisdom is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the service of using the power of Meritah Traditional Storytelling to provide Meritah families with resources and contents to support in the raising of disciplined, strong, intelligent, wise, and resilient Meritah children. These children represent our past, present and future to contribute to our Ancestral goal of the preservation of life, and restoration of humanity back to a society favourable to life on earth as it once was when our Meritah Ancestors governed the planet.

The core of what and who we are is summarized in one of our visions where we contribute to the evolving of our children whose confidence and pride are grounded in their Ancestral values, good character, and time-tested Ancestral accomplishments. Hence, no room for empty pride based on ego or feel-good messages.

What Do We Do?

Through Meritah Traditional Storytelling, we provide our services in four different branches:

  • MOST is Meritah Oral Tradition of Storytelling where we engage our curious and critical minds in the most fun and instructional ways.
  • MCR is Meritah Children Resources where we produce various children content, both books and animations, attending to the needs of children from eighteen (18) months and above, in ways that are simple, yet captivating to the brilliant minds of our children. In utilizing these resources, adults even in their sixties (60s) find themselves learning as well.
  • MWSCP is the Meritah Wisdom Program where services are tailored to the various needs of our children and youths, both in the school and community settings.
  • AIR is the Ancestral Indigenous Rebirth Media platform that engages community members in the most genuine way.

How Do We Work?

To do our work, we recognize a person has no other identity other than his or her history and culture, and cannot evolve harmoniously if he/she does not build their own destiny based on their own civilizational values. In Meritah Wisdom, we work by drawing on our own Indigenous Meritah culture and civilization to establish our economic, social, cultural, and spiritual evolvement. You will see this reflected in all our work with our children, families, and communities whether through our Oral storytelling events, resource contents, workshops and AIR media.

Meritah Wisdom promotes diversity and awareness, bringing people of different backgrounds, education, and cultures together to learn from and grow with one another. We are, however, grounded in our Meritah Indigenous Knowledge system and civilization because the continent of Meritah is the cradle of all civilizations. Hence, it is our notion that by going back to the origins of civilization, we will bring about contents that are true and age-long, stable and favourable to the preservation of the Earth among Meritah people and all people.


Stella Wamucii Wangari

I was waiting for this day so bad. Finally!!!! I see you did great work here. This is an inspiration to me. Everything is great from the narrative style of the book, the design, the illustrations 💯👌🏾👍🏾. Every page carries its own positive energy. I dont have words to show my appreciation. Your... [Read more]

Fanta Ongoiba :Executive Director - APAA

Fanta Ongoiba :Executive Director - APAA

Hi sister,

Here is some comment that I have received from client regarding your book.

One client child said to me, I love it very much this book, I am learning something that I didn't know, about my blackness. So thank you for the true gift you have given to us and thank you to... [Read more]



Oh my beloved sister thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us, today on the Ugandan Independence Day Celebrations. They were so amazed, surprised and in owe. You left them drooling to hear more! They were shocked 😳Parents were impressed 👍👏❤️✅
I will never forget the... [Read more]

OISE Stay At Home Club

OISE Stay At Home Club

Indigenous African educator Osholene Oshobugie’s reading from her book, My Sleeping Dream! How I Learnt My Numbers, made for a wonderful episode on the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education’s highly popular OISE Stay At Home Club web series. Osho explores how we can use numbers to speak... [Read more]

Mr. M. Wayne

Mr. M. Wayne

We cannot and should not fight darkness or attempt to fight darkness, we can only turn on the light. And when you turn on the light, the darkness cannot fight you, it only disappears. Light is the antidote to darkness. This is what I see when I log into your website. Thank you, Meritah Wisdom,... [Read more]

Natalie Neumann Butler, MEd (University of Toronto)

Natalie Neumann Butler, MEd (University of Toronto)

I received my copy of My Sleeping Dream! How I Learnt My Numbers in the mail within a few days. It is absolutely beautiful. I’ve read it twice and I can’t wait to share the story with my cousin’s young children. The illustrations by Oluwatoyin Oke are dazzling, and the book’s message about... [Read more]

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I am so happy to see that my son will grow up to see this. Your work is so beautiful and I love everything about it.

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Soki Kinanga

Soki Kinanga

Mbote yaya, Congratulations 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿...I like the website..I saw family, it's important to work together 🙏🏿. For my feedback, I find the website clear, easy to understand and navigate.

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